You guys totally rocked it! I'm so very proud of you! No one missed a cue, everyone handled "improvisation" of lines with aplomb, lights and sound were great, and all the transitions were seamless. Okay, maybe not seamless if you count the feet of dead Polonius getting caught in the curtain as she was dragged off stage. But the audience loved it so it I wouldn't change it even if we could!
Keep that in mind for tomorrow: Perfection isn't what we're striving for. Our goal is to get the audience to respond. Whether it was laughter during the graveyard scene, gasps when the queen collapsed, or complete silence when Hamlet asked for the cup, you got a reaction tonight. The play's the thing by which I'll catch the conscious of the king. You really caught the audience tonight. By the way, one person said, and I quote, "This is the best play at BC in all six years I've attended them." I also heard compliments on the costumes, the stage crew, the lighting and the sound effects. No one in our company was left un-complimented! So, see you tomorrow at 5:00 PM and we'll knock their socks off again! P.S. Thank you for the flowers! I love them and am putting them on my fireplace mantel so they're right in the middle of the living room. Comments are closed.
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