The Saturday Night Live production process takes place over a six-day period -- an entire show from start to finish in less than a week! To read all about it, check out the SNL Wiki.
Our version of the popular sketch comedy show, Saturday Knights Live, isn't quite that ambitious. While we do come up with an entire middle-school appropriate set of skits, we take about a month to write and rehearse. For 2024, here's our schedule:
The show is one night only so save the date!
We're one week from opening night...
Just a few reminders about Dress Rehearsal this Sunday, Feb. 25:
And now that all the details are out of the way, the most important thing to remember: HAVE FUN!
Translation: As soon as Fester is done singing "But Love Reprise 1" at the end of Scene 5, stage lights are turned off and the grey curtains close. Stage crew sets the scene for the portrait hall, including giving picture frames to the actors who take their place on stage in the dark. The lights go up with a particular mood called "Inside Look 2" with the small spotlight (nicknamed Smalls to differentiate it from our big spotlight called Biggie) following the actors portraying Morticia and Alice.
Paper tech is tedious and takes forever, but is crucial to a smoothly running production. |
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