We will not have set construction on Saturday due to not being able to get into the building.
However, we ARE on for Tech Rehearsal on Sunday, Oct. 6th. This is an ALL HANDS ON DECK rehearsal. For those who haven't done a Tech Rehearsal before, there's a lot of stopping and starting, redoing things, and generally figuring out how best to do sound, lighting, transitions, curtains, etc. We'll start at 10:00 AM and have the auditorium until 4:00 PM. I hope, however, that we'll move quickly and be done by 2:00 PM. But, for that to happen, we all need to focus. If you will be late or have to leave early or cannot make it due to a previous engagement, email me at [email protected] to let me know. Be sure to bring a snack and something quiet that you can do when you're not working (book, cell phone, game, homework, etc.). Also, Costume Crew will be trying costumes on cast members when they're available. Looking forward to seeing how this all starts to come together! Comments are closed.
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