After spending literally weeks agonizing over the cast list for Wonderland High, I just wasn't able to make it work, mostly because I realized how many of our troupe are 6th graders, how long the script was, how short the available time is, and that we should really just avoid the whole boy/girl/kissy stuff completely. So, we're falling back and punting. I know, sports metaphors don't really mix with theatre folks. All it means is that sometimes you have to take a step back and try something else.
So that's what we're doing. Our new show is called Imaginary, and you'll notice a lot of similarities between the it and WH: friendship, being there for each other in hard times, cool/wild/creative scenery and costumes, fun dance tunes, and lots of characters. But, besides being just a bit shorter, the theme of Imaginary is more appropriate for a slightly younger cast. No kissy stuff. And, better yet, as I read the story, the characters almost cast themselves. And I know that's what you're waiting for. :-) Comments are closed.
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