Translation: As soon as Fester is done singing "But Love Reprise 1" at the end of Scene 5, stage lights are turned off and the grey curtains close. Stage crew sets the scene for the portrait hall, including giving picture frames to the actors who take their place on stage in the dark. The lights go up with a particular mood called "Inside Look 2" with the small spotlight (nicknamed Smalls to differentiate it from our big spotlight called Biggie) following the actors portraying Morticia and Alice.
Paper tech is tedious and takes forever, but is crucial to a smoothly running production.
We could really use some help finishing up the set. If you can help during any after school rehearsal, during dress rehearsal on Feb. 25th (11:00-4:00), or during our last set construction on Mar. 2nd (11:00-3:00), we'd really appreciate it! Crafts
Construction / Painting
So the reason there's no set construction on Saturday, Feb. 24th, is that I'll be in Boston for my daughter's performance in the play These Shining Lives. Thank you to Mr. John, Penelope, Liu, Jonas, Jonas' mom Jennie and sister Mila, Yael, Yael's sister Tif, and Javi for helping out at set construction today! We got a lot done.
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