BC Applause Discipline
All final disciplinary decisions will be made by the director, with input from other coaches and the BCMS assistant principals. Grown-ups will be notified of any incidents that warrant disciplinary action.
Unacceptable behaviors, including but not limited to:
Potential consequences:
For minor or first offenses:
All final disciplinary decisions will be made by the director, with input from other coaches and the BCMS assistant principals. Grown-ups will be notified of any incidents that warrant disciplinary action.
Unacceptable behaviors, including but not limited to:
- More than two unexcused tardies/absences at regular rehearsals
- An unexcused tardy/absence from mandatory rehearsals or performances
- Not making up work for excused absences
- Disrupting rehearsals by not listening, by not following direction, or by not being prepared
- Wandering the halls or leaving the auditorium without permission
- Non-consensual physical contact in any form, including hitting or hugging
- Bullying (see the LMSD bullying policy for more information)
- Rudeness to coaches or volunteers
- Breaking the Rules of BC Applause
Potential consequences:
For minor or first offenses:
- sitting in a specified section of the auditorium instead working on the show or being around friends
- speed-walking laps around the auditorium
- sorting supplies such as ribbons or nuts/bolts
- written assignment related to the effect of behavior on the show
- removal from specific scenes or demotion to a less responsible role
- a phone call to your grown-up to pick you up early
- removal from specific scenes or demotion to a less responsible role
- requiring your grown-up to supervise you at rehearsals and/or performances
- being "benched" during one or more performances (required to attend, but not participate)
- complete removal from the current production or exclusion from the next upcoming production
Although not a classroom setting, BC Applause follows the same rules that govern Bala Cynwyd Middle School during the day (see the BCMS Handbook). Our guiding principles include, but are not limited to:
Be Responsible
Be Responsible
- Be on time to all rehearsals and performances.
- All conflicts should be specified on your production contract. If you will miss a call due to illness or a family emergency you must contact the director as soon as possible.
- Come prepared and ready to focus on the work at hand.
- Pay attention to the coaches -- don't make them repeat themselves.
- Limit socializing to appropriate times - prior to and after rehearsals and during rehearsal breaks. Talking and horseplay during work can be disruptive, distracting, and, at times, dangerous.
- Maintain eligibility. If you have a failing grade, work with your grown-ups, teachers, or the director to raise it.
- If you get something out, put it back when you're done with it.
- No jumping on or off the stage.
- Do not touch any tools that you have not been trained to use or have not been given permission to use.
- No eating food you find on the floor.
- No stunts or acrobatics unless properly trained and supervised by a trained adult.
- Do not leave the auditorium unless given direct permission by a coach or grown-up volunteer.
- Remember what you learned in elementary school: no hitting, no spitting, no kicking, no biting.
- If in doubt, don’t do it. If someone pulls away or asks you to stop it – STOP IT!
- No name calling.
- Language should be middle school appropriate.
- Support your fellow cast and crew. We're a team and are all in this together!
- Do not eat or drink while in costume or when mic'd.
- No cell phones on stage unless required by the script.
- If you make a mess, clean it up. And always help clean-up before leaving the auditorium.
- Do not move, borrow or play with props, set-pieces, scenic elements, or other tools. Let the stage manager or director know if anything is broken or missing.
- Do not be rude to the grown-ups who volunteer during rehearsals or performances. We rely on their support.
Theatre Code of Ethics
- Auditions start the moment I walk in the theatre. Regardless of talent, my behavior impacts the opportunities I have for the current and any future shows.
- If I miss a rehearsal, I will ask my fellow cast/crew mates what I missed and learn it before the next rehearsal.
- The show must go on! I will never miss a performance.
- My role is integral to the overall production. We rely on each other to perform our part.
- My part is what I make of it. The most lines doesn't mean the biggest role and leadership doesn't require a title. I shall act my part to the best of my ability, regardless of how small my role or large my personal problems.
- I shall never miss a cue or an entrance or cause a curtain to be late by my failure to be ready.
- I shall accept the director's advice in the spirit in which it is given for they see the production as a whole and my role as a portion of that whole.
- I shall look upon the production as a team effort demanding my cooperation and my support of fellow company members.
- I will never make others feel vulnerable, ashamed, or marginalized, for this creates tension and serves no useful purpose.
- I shall never lose my enthusiasm for the theatre because of disappointment or failure, for they are the lessons by which I learn.
- I shall direct my efforts in such a manner that, when I leave, the theatre will stand greater for my having been there.